Submission Requirements

Information & Culture welcomes submissions of original, high-quality research articles that deal with the role and impact of information in all areas of human activity, regardless of geography or time. The study of information and its impact on our world is not bounded by discipline or method, thus we adopt an inclusive approach, inviting any relevant work that engages thoughtfully with the role and reciprocal relationship of information within all social and cultural contexts. The journal emphasizes a human-centered approach to understanding our information world and this should be reflected in all submissions.

Authors may submit a complete manuscript or may contact the editor with a proposal. You are encouraged to consult the journal’s home page, which gives an overview of the material published in Information & Culture or discuss coverage with the editors if you wish to determine suitability.

Papers are not eligible for publication in the journal if their content is under consideration for publication elsewhere or if significant portions of the manuscript have been published as a journal article, a book chapter, conference proceedings, a research report, or a government publication. Research and data presented for publication in Information & Culture are expected to be complete and accurate. Falsification and misrepresentation of data or of the findings are considered unethical and will result in the rejection of the submitted work. 

Prospective authors should familiarize themselves with the submission requirements, the peer review process, and relevant journal policies. We expect authors to submit articles following all guidelines below. Papers that do not follow these guidelines will not be accepted for review.

Submission Process

Information & Culture uses Open Journal Systems (OJS) for submission purposes: All submissions must be made online through OJS. If you already have a user profile on OJS, click on “Login” at the top right of the screen and enter your username and password. If you have never used OJS before you will need to create a profile to submit your article and to track its progress through the review process. Click on “Register” and enter all required information. Please also be sure to add your mailing address and a “Bio Statement” of up to 50 words. Once you have registered, you should be able to click on the “New Submission” link (to the right of “My Assigned”) to upload your article. If you can’t see this link, you are most likely registered in I&C in a role other than “author.”

Manuscript Requirements


Articles should typically range from 6,000-10,000 words. Longer articles will be considered where the topic and treatment merit the extra length. Shorter articles may also be considered under certain circumstances approved by the editors. For blind review purposes, do not include personal or institutional information on any page of the manuscript itself that might identify you as author (including in the references and acknowledgments). The editorial office reserves the right to run a plagiarism check on the materials submitted for publication and will investigate all credible allegations of plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined as submitting as one’s own and without due acknowledgement the work of others in part or in its entirety. Examples of plagiarism include copying (either language or ideas) without acknowledging the source, paraphrasing another person’s work without due acknowledgement, using others’ ideas without reference to the source, and not attributing work contributed by others to a joint project.

Contact Information

Name, mailing address, phone number, email address, and a 50-word biographical statement should be included for each author.


The title of the paper should be included in the manuscript and in the appropriate metadata field in the online submission system.


The article's abstract should be included in the appropriate metadata field in the online submission system. The abstract should be no longer than 100 words. Care should be taken to craft a clear and compelling abstract. Authors should bear in mind that the abstract is the first thing that the reader and any potential reviewers will see.


Authors are required to provide three to five keywords that capture the manuscript's salient points.


Authors should submit, along with the manuscript, the names of at least two potential reviewers with expertise in the topic but the editors will make the final allocation based on their own judgement.


All citations should be provided as endnotes. Endnotes should be placed in a Notes section following the body of the manuscript. For a sentence with citations, there should be only one callout for all references cited within that sentence, and with few exceptions, that callout should be placed at the end of the sentence. Endnotes must be formatted electronically in MS Word and conform to "Humanities Style" in The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition. Notes should include all bibliographic information required by that style.


Acknowledgments are not required, but when included, should appear at the beginning of the Notes as an unnumbered endnote.


Should be written in Standard English. Word choice should be precise, and syntax should be clear. Articles written in a language other than grammatically correct English at a high academic level will not be considered.

Manuscript Format

  • MS Word document in Times New Roman 12-point font
  • Text should follow The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition
  • All text should be one and a half spaced, including headings, long quotations, endnotes, and captions
  • One-inch margins on all sides
  • Page numbers in the upper right margin
  • All copy aligned left; do not justify
  • Paragraphs indented five spaces (0.25”) with a single tab
  • An extra line of space should be inserted above and below extracts, subheads, and figure/table/image callouts, but not between paragraphs
  • One space only after each period at the end of a sentence
  • Include first name and/or initial(s) of all persons when referred to in the manuscript for the first time
  • Spell out the title of an organization when first referenced, with acronym in parentheses. Acronyms may be used in all subsequent references

Photos and Illustrations

  • Permissions are required for all published images. Should the article be accepted for publication, it is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain official written permission to reprint an image from the copyright holder or owner, including preferred wording for crediting the source of the image. Any cost involved is the responsibility of the author(s).
  • Submit images and tables as separate files (one file per image/table).
  • Tables should have a title only. Provide any citations of table data as table notes, in accordance with "Humanities Style" in the latest edition of The Chicago Manual of Style.
  • For submitted images, the authors have, or will be able to provide, high-quality images of sufficient resolution, which is a minimum of 900 px, and ideally 1200 px or greater, for the longest dimension.
  • Provide submitted images as grayscale TIFF files.
  • Place figure callouts in the manuscript on a separate line, in bold and enclosed in braces, preceded and followed by a blank line.
  • Provide figure captions as a separate document or at the end of the manuscript (after the Notes section). Figure captions should include text describing the figure, an acknowledgement of the source, and a statement of permission or rights.

Special Notes and Recommendations

Non-native English speakers preparing a manuscript for submission to Information & Culture may wish to utilize one of the many professional English language editing services that specialize in academic journal manuscript preparation. Clearly written manuscripts help editorial staff and peer reviewers better evaluate the paper for its content. Submissions with significant English language errors will inevitably be rejected immediately by the editors.

Please note, however, that the use of editing services is at the author's own expense and does not guarantee that the article will be selected for peer review or accepted for publication in Information & Culture.